PCEA/CCEA/SCEC Online Exam Survey Online Exam Survey Name First Last Email What exam are you providing feedback on today? PCEA CCEA SCEC Please provide any feedback that you feel would help improve the exam, including questions that could be improved upon, topics that you feel should get more or less emphasis, or any other constructive feedback. If you would like to argue the case for a particular answer choice on a particular question, you may do so here as well. The ICEAA Certification Committee will review all feedback and update the exam accordingly.An on-screen calculator app called Scratchpad was provided for the exam.Did you use the practice Scratchpad link to familiarize yourself with the functionality of it? Yes No Was Scratchpad easy to use? Why or why not?What did you like or not like about Scratchpad? Please be specific.Exam PreparationHow much time did you spend preparing for the exam?Did you use CEBoK or CEBoK-S to prepare for the exam? Yes No Did you participate in an employer-sponsored study group? Yes No If you did participate in an employer-sponsored study group, please expand here:Please leave any additional comments or questions here. Δ