2018 ICEAA Central Virginia Chapter Award Winners:
Technical Excellence Award: Gail Flynn
Gail is the lead cost analyst for Next Generation Handheld Targeting System (NGHTS – pronounced “nights” for the USMC). In addition to leading a new cost estimate for NSWCDD V11, Gail has co-authored two published papers this in fiscal year 2018: one as the lead author for a Work Space Management BCA NSWCDD technical report for NAVSEA 10. This BCA analyzed the costs and benefits of NAVSEA moving to a new program and process for work space management that would automate and streamline equipment moves for 74,000 NAVSEA employees. For this work, she received a letter of appreciation from SEA 10.
Gail was also the co-author on an ICEAA research paper entitled, The Impact of Scope Changes on Software Growth. Gail took this opportunity to increase her briefing skills and experience by presenting at major events in FY18: NGHTS Brief Out (O-6 level); the ICEAA Professional Development & Training Workshop, an international event in June 2018;the IT CAST meeting, a DoD and DoD-contractor focused event supported by NCCA and the NGA in August; , Cost Café (NSWCDD); and a V Department Tech brief (V Dept 8/30). Each of these presentations honed Gail’s presentation skills, as evidenced by the letter of appreciation from the Director of NCCA, Ms. Wendy Kunc after the IT CAST.
Chapter Service Award: Yun Kim
Yun Kim has been a cost analyst for over nine years and has continued to work to promote a sense of community and collaboration among other analysts in the cost estimating field. Since helping restart the Central VA ICEAA Chapter, Yun has served as both Vice President and President, and worked to re-energize the chapter’s’ focus on the exchange of new ideas and advancements in cost analysis. Thanks to his leadership and efforts, our chapter has grown to over 24 members.
Though currently not assigned in a leadership role, Yun has continued to focus efforts on engagement between other members in our industry by exploring new ideas and topics that can be shared and discussed during chapter meetings. Additionally, he continues to endorse the certifications offered by ICEAA, and has made it a personal mission to help others obtain certification by helping proctor exams or assist others with studying the Cost Estimating Body of Knowledge (CEBoK®). Outside his commitments and dedication to ICEAA, Yun is a hardworking diverse analyst that consistently demonstrates high technical prowess, innovation, and creativity in the field of cost estimating. His technical aptitude combined with a passion to engage others to create a sense of community warrant the Association Service Award.
Junior Analyst of the Year Award: Nicole Robertson
Nicole Robertson has been a cost analyst for just over one year, during which time she has assumed the responsibilities of acting functional cost lead for the Aegis Ashore program at the Missile Defense Agency. Her ability to effectively navigate a steep learning curve has garnered her a stellar reputation not only as a cost-professional but as a capable conceptual contributor at the programmatic-level. During her short tenure at MDA already she has trained two cost analysts (one of whom was her new lead) on all cost-related facets of the Aegis Ashore program.
Nicole has also carved a role for herself within the greater cost community by actively participating in ICEAA at both the international and local levels. She is the Secretary for the ICEAA Central Virginia Chapter, co-authored Robust Non-Design, Code, Test, and Integration Cost Estimating Ratios, a paper for the 2018 ICEAA Professional Development & Training Workshop, and conducted inflation training at that same workshop. Nicole’s drive for technical excellence, demonstrated desire to learn, and engagement efforts in the international cost theater have earned her the ICEAA Central VA Chapter Junior Analyst of the Year Award.